Services Offered


    -Support during pregnancy via text, facetime, zoom

    -2 Prenatal in person visits

    -Emotional Support for you and your partner during labor

    -Hands on counter pressure and hot/cold therapy during labor

    -Ambience set up

    -Advocating for you and your partner to help navigate interventions during labor and help you make the safest and most beneficial decisions based upon your birth plan

    -Initial latch support postpartum (Getting a great latch to start your breastfeeding journey off right!)

    -Free Child Birth Education Course including pregnancy health, body leading up to labor, labor, birth, postpartum care for mom and baby, and a breastfeeding overview($400 value)

    -Two breastfeeding or postpartum doula in person 60 minute sessions

    -Very PG Birth video (so you can show family and friends) captured in candid moments from the moment I arrive to you up to postpartum breastfeeding golden hour. Candid photography captured throughout labor and birth. Edited and emailed to you.

  • Redemption birth prep- $1111

    -Five 1 Hour long one on one virtual sessions to breakdown, release, and heal the trauma associated with 1st birth

    -All access to me via text through pregnancy as fears or traumas surface we can discuss

    -Access via text throughout your labor with you (early labor) and your partner to help them and provide some tools to help


    I have been assisting VBAC, HBAC, and REDEMPTION births these past few years and have had a lot of success. I owe it to my fierce nature to protect as well as my passion to educate fully to help the laboring parents truly advocate for themselves to have full autonomy in birth. This comes from helping them release all fear and stored trauma within the body during their pregnancy or even before conceiving again. I decided to obtain my somatic EMDR certification to go even deeper to assist in fully releasing what is stored and opening that beautiful flow of trust in ones body and baby. This one day 6 hour workshop is designed to transform you on a journey of understanding and connecting to your body and healing fear and trauma around birth with education, meditation, and incorporating somatic EMDR.