When you are having a hard time remember the benefits you and baby are receiving.
*creates healthier immune system function
*lowers occurrence of common infant infections (ear infections)
*lowers risk of leukemia, lymphoma, and other diseases
*lowers risk of childhood obesity, diabetes, and SIDS
SIDS -back in 90s as a public health can we prevent this? There were certain behaviors in the home that weren't beneficial (smoking, sleep surfaces) they started the back to sleep campaign-every baby lays flat on their back - but the one committee didn't talk to the other committee and the other committee said breastfeeding can reduce the risk of SIDS and recent study came out saying it can reduce it in the 1st 6 months by 70%... then a study said any breastfeeding even partial breastfeeding in the 1st 8 weeks can reduce SIDS by 50%.
-Benefits for mom
*lowers breast/ovarian cancer by 33%
mature breast cells by switching them on and using them we can reduce cancer causing activity
*lowers pp bleeding and speed uterine involution- release oxytocin and helps contract uterus
*return to pre pregnancy weight(helps 500-800 calories) this may not happen for all… many times it takes breastfeeding past 12m to see the weight loss benefits. (the milk pulls more fat from the body to give the toddler higher fat for their mobility)
*Breastfeeding creates a vacuum
*Babys saliva is sucked back into mom's nipple and tells the nipple to create antibodies to any virus they have come in contact with (latching baby to the breast is always best for this)
*Moms milk adjusts its immunological composition based on detected pathogens -creates antibodies -mom also creates antibodies if she gets sick (So please breastfeed if you are sick! It helps baby gain protection)
-Skin to skin uninterrupted after birth on chest ASAP. Do this all throughout when they are infants. Stabilizes baby blood sugars, body temps, and helps with supply.